All levels of certification require formal training. The Organizational Engineering Institute periodically offers formal training through seminars conducted in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Attending the classroom seminar satisfies the requirement for formal training. "I Opt" also has an E-Certification seminar available in narrated PowerPoint format. The program is new and is being revised frequently. However, the basic structure of the e-certification can be reviewed by clicking this hyperlink for the E-Certification Program. Three levels of certification are recognized.
- Level I demonstrates successful seminar attendance and limited application of the technology in the field.
- Level II Certification testifies to successful completion of the seminar and multiple applications of the technology in field settings.
- Level III certification attests to completion of the educational requirement, repeated applications in field settings and use of the technology at the highest organizational levels- at a minimum of a Vice Presidential level.
- A separate "Contributor" recognition is provided to certified practitioners who extend the state of knowledge by publication in recognized journals and professional publications.
The maintenance of certified status requires that the individual practice the discipline on an ongoing basis as testified to by citation of specific application(s). Knowledge maintenance by seminar attendance or completion of approved distance learning course work at least once every three years is also required.